Now, what if I told you that a lot of the pillars of society in your area are into local sex? What if I told you that a lot of the prim and proper women in your area are also trying to find local sex?
You probably would laugh at me. You probably would roll your eyes and think that this is just a fucked-up version of the Penthouse Forums’ letter section. Well, thanks for the compliment because Penthouse Forums is one hell of a literary collection.
Now, a lot of people think that Penthouse Forums is just raw, literate pornography, but I beg to differ. It takes a lot of creativity to write those fantasies. But believe it or not, you can live out those types of fantasies. You can live out Penthouse Forums’ letters and stories with your waking reality. It really all boils down to mastering the art of finding local sex.
If you’ve been having a hard time trying to find local sex you’ve probably not been using , please understand that it’s actually easier than you think because there’s all sorts of freaks in your area. They’re not going to advertise the fact that they are freaks, they are going to advertise the fact that their husbands have given them permission to fuck other guys. But they’re there, so you have to have the right mindset. You can’t go about it with a desperate air around you.
Now, you probably already know that the more desperately you look for something, the more your objective runs away from you. This is the Law of Distraction or the Law of Repellents. I know that this sounds unfamiliar, but it is unfamiliar precisely because it’s the opposite of the Law of Attraction.
The Law of Attraction works both ways. If you think a certain way, you attract certain realities because you attract certain emotional states, which trigger certain actions. On the other hand, if you think certain negative thoughts, you get into a negative place emotionally, and this leads to a degradation of your physical actions. It all boils down to action.
There’s nothing magical or mystical about the Law of Attraction. Keep this in mind because if you’re having a tough time trying to find local sex, maybe it’s how you approach the process.